Learn how to use MyStore to set your Too Good To Go schedule using the Calendar, Schedule and Special Days toolsHow to set your Too Good To Go schedule

By setting a Too Good To Go schedule, selling your unsold food becomes so much easier. If you know you will have at least €12 worth of food left over on a particular day, you can set a scheduled Surprise Bag on that day with a pre-defined collection time.
Some of the biggest benefits of building a schedule on MyStore are:
- Better visibility on the Too Good To Go app: with a schedule, customers are guaranteed to see your Surprise Bag 24 hours ahead of your collection time, meaning more eyeballs on your product offering
- Save time: once you have a schedule, all you need to do is pack your Surprise Bag and hand over to your Too Good To Go customer at the collection time
- Cancel when you need to: using MyStore on desktop or on mobile, you can easily cancel a scheduled Surprise Bag ahead of time if you find you do not have surplus food
How to set your Too Good To Go schedule
To set your schedule, simply head to the ‘Schedule’ tab on MyStore.
Here, you can toggle each day of the week, adjusting your collection time. This is how you can set Mondays as a day you’ll definitely have Surprise Bags and Friday as a day you definitely won’t!
When the red text says ‘No Collection’ under the toggle button, that means this is not a day you have automated your Surprise Bag availability for. If the green text says ‘Collection’, that is a day where your Surprise Bags will be automatically available.
Type the amount of Surprise Bags you will have in the number box between the toggle and the collection time box.
You can update your collection time in 24 hour time in the collection time box. We recommend setting a 1 hour collection period as this will allow more customers to save your surplus food. For many, the optimal collection windows are around lunch time or after typical working hours - for example, 6pm.
Head to the bottom of the page and click ‘Update Schedule’ to save your changes!
How to cancel an order
If you find yourself with not enough food to fill a Surprise Bag even though your scheduled Surprise Bags have been reserved, you can cancel an order by heading to 'Dashboard', heading to 'Orders', clicking the most recent order or orders and cancelling them - these will be at the bottom of the Orders list.
Remember: Too Good To Go users have reserved their Surprise Bag on the basis that the store will have surplus food. If you don't have surplus food, please feel free to cancel!
Can I view my schedule easily?
You can easily view your Too Good To Go collection schedule via the ‘Calendar’ function! Head to the ‘Calendar’ tab and see your full month collection schedule. Simply click on a day to see the amount of bags and collection time you’ve set in advance.
Using the calendar, you can also set ‘Special Days’. When you click the ‘Add Special Day’ button when you have tapped a specific day, you can set your store as closed, change your collection time or adjust the amount of Surprise Bags you have scheduled for collection that date.
I can’t get to a computer… How can I update my Too Good To Go schedule?
You can use the Too Good To Go app to do everything you do on MyStore Desktop on your phone.
Simply head to 'More', tap 'Go to MyStore' and so long as you're logged in with the email your MyStore is set up with, you should see all of your schedules, calendars and everything else!
Feeling ready to automate your Surprise Bag schedule?
Need more help? Reach out to partners@toogoodtogo.ie!
start saving food today
Our app is the world's largest marketplace for surplus food. We help users rescue good food from going to waste, offering great value for money at local stores, cafes and restaurants.