Introducing Too Good To Go's #SupportLocal Project

SupportLocal is a project to help our independent partners when they need it most. Delicious 'take-away' meals are now available in the app - here’s how you can play your part.
As you’ll know, the UK Government has recently asked restaurants, pubs and cafes to close. This is an important measure that will help keep us all safe - but it does mean many of our independent partners are now facing very tough times.
To adapt to these challenging times, many are having to rapidly modify their offerings, swapping their dine-in menus for take-away ones - even if they don’t have the systems in place to let local customers know they’re open.
To lend a helping hand, we’re launching a new temporary not-for-profit feature on Too Good To Go: SupportLocal.
This feature lets businesses sell a special take-away menu through our app. These are not Magic Bags of surplus food; they’re regular, freshly cooked meals-to-go, sold at the businesses’ normal prices.
The idea of this is to give small businesses a platform from which they can keep serving delicious food, with an automated payment structure - and a customer base - all ready to go. Apart from mandatory transactional fees required for payment services, SupportLocal is completely free for businesses to use.
We hope we are able to return our focus solely to fighting food waste soon. However, these are extraordinary times. We want to do our bit to help small businesses stay strong.
How it works
Find local businesses participating in SupportLocal by typing ‘supportlocal’ into the search bar on the Too Good To Go app.
Please note - your health is our highest priority. Always take into account the NHS and UK Government's guidance and advice for staying safe and well, and swipe your own on-screen receipt when picking up your meal.
We will get through this together.
start saving food today
Our app is the world's largest marketplace for surplus food. We help users rescue good food from going to waste, offering great value for money at local stores, cafes and restaurants.