Discover how you can avoid throwing out those nut shells after your mid-morning snack.5 creative ways to use up nutshells

Have you ever thought about how many nutshells end up as food waste? Us neither - but when we heard about Turkey’s plan to heat a town with pistachio shells, we had to investigate.
While there’s some cool stuff going on with nutshells on a mass scale worldwide, we’ve got some ideas for you to try at home.
Make an exfoliator
Skin been feeling a bit rough lately? Time for an exfoliation! Crush up leftover nutshells and add them to your regular cleanser.
Use them as fire fuel
Why put those nutshells in the bin when they could save you money on coal? Save your leftover nutshells for putting on the fire – it's nearly barbecue season, after all!
Use them in the garden
Nutshells contain nutrients that your garden will love you for, but that's not the only way they're handy. Did you know that pistachio shells are great at helping with drainage? Put them in the bottom of your flowerpots to help prevent water logging.
Use them in arts and crafts
There are so many cool things you can do with nutshells. How about decorating a trinket box, making a necklace, or even making these cute little turtles?
Make maracas
Struck with a rainy day during school holidays? Eat some nuts as a snack, then set about making the classic DIY musical instrument: maracas. Decorate the outside of old plastic bottles with biodegradable glitter, then fill the bottle with nutshells.
P.s. We love seeing what you guys do to fight food waste - so tag us on Twitter or Instagram in any pictures of the cool stuff you create as well.
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