We know that getting a Too Good To Go Surprise Bag that your really want is harder than you think, so we’ve put together our best insider tips.Our Tips for Getting a Too Good To Go Surprise Bag

<p>If you’ve used the Too Good To Go app you know that getting a Too Good To Go Surprise Bag that you really want is harder than you think. We work with beloved partners including Greggs, Tortilla, Leon, Pound Bakery, ALDI and Morrisons, so securing these Surprise Bags can be competitive. </p><p>To help you to have a fighting chance in getting the Too Good To Go Surprise Bag you have been trying for, we’ve put together our best insider tips.</p><h5>USE THE SEARCH BAR TO FIND THE BRANDS YOU LOVE </h5><p>You open the app to reserve an ALDI Surprise Bag but lo and behold, you cannot see ALDI anywhere. Don’t worry - that doesn’t necessarily mean that your local ALDI isn’t saving food with us. </p><p>Search for ‘ALDI’ (or your chosen store) in the search bar and make sure the ‘Sold Out’ button on the right under the word ‘Map’ is toggled on. This means you can see sold out Surprise Bags, and easily favourite your local store by tapping the heart icon on the store. </p><div class="editor-media is-expand "><img class="mw-100" src="https://tgtg-mkt-cms-prod.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/40860/NZpA9eNnF70Q5fxV"></div><h5>BE NOTIFIED OF NEW STORES AND MORE</h5><p>One of the best ways to learn about newness on the app and be reminded of Surprise Bags near you is to turn on push notifications and allow us to send you emails. Head to ‘Settings’ > ‘Notifications’ and then toggle ‘Push notifications’ and ‘Email’ to on. </p><p>We also have a new feature where you can ask us to remind you to rescue a Surprise Bag on the days that most suit you! </p><div class="editor-media editor-media-video embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"> <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="//player.vimeo.com/video/865917001" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></div><p><br></p><h5>SWITCH TO MAP VIEW</h5><p>Speaking of the map, using the map view allows you to easily see available (and sold out) Surprise Bags near you. When you fancy a Surprise Bag but aren’t super picky as to the partner you want to save food from, head to the app, hit ‘Browse’ and then tap ‘Map’ instead of ‘List’. Available Surprise Bags will be in green, whereas sold out or unavailable Surprise Bags show up as grey. </p><div class="editor-media is-normal"><img class="mw-100" src="https://tgtg-mkt-cms-prod.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/40861/2KSf1RNx1ka3beCo"></div><p><br></p><h5>CHECK 15 MINS AFTER THE COLLECTION TIME</h5><p>Many stores will have new Surprise Bags available for reservation 15 minutes after the collection time of their sold out Surprise Bags. So, if you notice that, for example, your local Stonehouse Pizza & Carvery has a collection period of 8.30pm - 9.00pm for Vegetarian Carvery Surprise Bags - check the app at 9.15pm. Remember: it’s fastest finger first, unfortunately, so you may not be the only one waiting to reserve the Surprise Bag! </p><div class="editor-media is-normal"><img class="mw-100" src="https://tgtg-mkt-cms-prod.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/40862/ddRFQrsTmivU2OuT"></div><h5><b>FAVOURITE YOUR FAVOURITES</b></h5><p><span>Using our Favourites feature allows you to easily check if there’s anything available from the partners you love the most at one glance. It also means that selected users may receive notifications when a Surprise Bag from one of their favourites hasn’t been saved yet. At the moment, this feature doesn’t tell you when the Surprise Bag is first available - it will only let you know if it is still available near the collection window.</span></p><div class="editor-media is-normal"><img class="mw-100" src="https://tgtg-mkt-cms-prod.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/40863/rVHLgLDTl0kA7DHx"></div><h5><b>FILTER BY VEGGIE, VEGAN, COLLECTION DAY & MORE</b></h5><p><span>It can be hard to rescue meat-free meals using Too Good To Go. Make your life easier and use our filters. Head to ‘Browse’ and tap the filter icon on the right of the search bar. Filter to your heart's content! You can also use this function to filter the type of Surprise Bag (for example, groceries) and Surprise Bags for saving today or tomorrow, as well as collection time. In fact, you can even set the filter to a specific hour for collection and only see what’s available when it suits you. </span></p><div class="editor-media editor-media-video embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"> <p><iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="//player.vimeo.com/video/865913427" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p><iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="//player.vimeo.com/video/865913427" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></div><h5><b>PERSEVERE AND GET THAT SURPRISE BAG </b></h5><p>Don’t give up! In the words of Cheryl, anything that’s worth having is sure enough worth fighting for. Keep trying and soon, you will be a pro at getting the Too Good To Go Surprise Bag of your dreams.</p><p>Why not put the tips into practice and open the Too Good to Go app now? </p><div class="btn-row"> <input class="editor-btn btn btn-v2020 py-3 px-4 px-xl-5 mx-auto d-block" type="button" :link="https://share.toogoodtogo.com/stores/list/filter/showsoldout/" :newtab="_blank" onclick="window.open("https://share.toogoodtogo.com/stores/list/filter/showsoldout/","_blank")" value="OPEN THE APP"></div>
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Our app is the world's largest marketplace for surplus food. We help users rescue good food from going to waste, offering great value for money at local stores, cafes and restaurants.